What actually is healing?

Woman in Blue T-shirt and Blue Shorts Sitting on Bed

And why does it not work for everyone?

This is probably the leading question and I might never have a full answer. But I feel I have learnt a lot along the way. Still there is so much to discover. But exactly that is, what makes it so interesting. There is so much variety, people, situations, methods and treatment forms.

I feel like I found a good trio to start with for now: Bowen – Emotional freedom – MSTR

The Body, the mind and the emotions

It’s the first day of me giving birth to a new website, the first day of bringing digital structure to what I have started to practice only a few month ago in this combination and with, for the first time, the base of a solid training of the physical body.

Why did I learn Bowen therapy and MSTR? Because I seen it work. And I seen it being applied in cases where I can not work with emotions, but the body will do it’s work and make adjustments that will influence the whole person and create changes on the whole spectrum, the body, the mind and the emotions.

Still, I know I can offer a service, but I can not offer healing, because healing is our souls journey and all I can do is to accompany and share along the way. And what a great and rewarding thing to do that is.

I used to catch myself over and over again thinking that therapists do not have problems, cause they should know how to fix things, right? Just like a gardener does not need to buy vegetables, cause he knows how to grow them himself. But it is not really like that. Health is like a mirror of what is happening on all levels of live. And being unwell, experiencing downs and ups on physical and emotional level are essential to what I would call development.

Humbleness and Honesty

Being a therapist is not about fixing the world, but it is an opportunity to assist my fellow human, to finding solutions and improvements for every situation.

Staying humble in the process and knowing my tools, as well as using every challenge to learn more.

It is an interesting journey and I truly look forward to how this will unfold and I have a feeling I will never regret this decision.

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