So many so-called illnesses today are classified as incurable by the medical field. But is that really true, or what does it actually mean?
Aren’t there countless examples of people who have managed to turn things around, who didn’t die or were able to overcome their so-called till-end-of-life conditions?
I am truly very thankful for all that medicine has developed. And, of course, the ability to predict how an illness might progress is an important tool—it is based on observation and statistics.
Even if the medical world classifies an illness as incurable or tells a patient they will have the condition for the rest of their life, this does not mean that no one with the same condition has ever experienced a different outcome. It simply means there is no evidence or logical basis, within the scope of available medical treatments, to guarantee or promise a different result. Therefore, the medical field concludes that the condition is incurable.
This brings many to the question: why is it that some people heal while others, who seemingly try everything, do not? What are the truly important factors?
In my own life research, I’ve found there are several factors to work with when illness occurs.
However, there seems to be one root cause, and it’s usually hidden in the spiritual realm.
This doesn’t mean we should turn our backs on those who can help our bodily functions—the medical field—or that things like changing diet or lifestyle aren’t important. Once symptoms are present, everything can be helpful.
However, if we don’t uncover the root cause on a soul level, we will most likely find ourselves back in trouble one way or another.
And, of course, there’s the issue of pollution. Whether it’s food, water, or air, things could undoubtedly be better, especially in city life. Yet, even so, some people get ill while others don’t. Some have enough resistance, while others have a weakness. But due to… what?
So, we need to look for our weaknesses. Where are we weak, and why? How can we regain strength?
This isn’t something that can be answered in a single blog post, but it’s a starting point to look inward and gain a new perspective.
If you have one of those conditions labeled as incurable, ask yourself: what happens when you believe it? And what happens when you say, “I think there is a solution to my condition; I just haven’t found it yet”?
Does it feel better to accept the medical diagnosis as final?
Or do you feel brave enough to try and find another answer? To realize that when the medical field says something is incurable, they’re really saying, we don’t have the answer. They could add, “Maybe you’ll find it elsewhere,” but, well, that rarely happens.
Every change in life and human history has been led by people who believed in more than those around them. Every great scientific discovery began with bravery and a willingness to look beyond.
Yes, the fear of failure and being seen as a lunatic for even trying is real. But the choice is between suffering and conformity. What do you choose?
Thank you for reading, and have a blessed day.