Bowen Therapy
Bowen is a holistic bodywork therapy that stimulates your body to activate itself-healing. Gentle rolling movements applied to specif points of your body in sequence send signals to your nervous system, triggering the healing process.
Stress is a normal part of life, but it’s easy to get overloaded. Left untreated, stress gets stored in your body, leading to physical and mental dis-ease. Your body innately knows how to heal itself. Bowen therapy is a reminder for the body to bring you back into balance.
A Bowen treatment lasts 40-75 minutes. For therapeutic treatments, we will first discuss your health issues and medical history.
For general relaxation treatments, it is enough to clarify a few questions before I begin the session.
For therapeutic treatments, I generally recommend three sessions spaced seven days apart to fully experience the effects of Bowen therapy.
The treatments are carried out on a massage table and can be done directly on the skin or through light clothing (e.g., a loose T-shirt and thin sports pants).
First, I will ask you to lie on your stomach. If you’re feeling cold, I will cover you with a blanket. It is important that you feel comfortable and relaxed, so please let me know if you feel any discomfort in this position. There are always ways to find a comfortable position for treatment.
Using my fingers and thumbs, I will perform a series of gentle, non-invasive movements. There will be pauses between the movements to allow your body to begin its healing work. I will repeat this process regularly throughout the treatment.
After completing the first part of the treatment, I will ask you to turn onto your back, and I will continue the procedure until the session is complete.
After the treatment, on the same day, you should drink small amounts of water regularly and move around every 30 minutes. If you are lying down, there is no need to get up just to move around.
Avoid excessive heat or cold in the treated areas and refrain from taking very hot baths for one week after the treatment.
If you have an exercise routine, you can continue with it, but avoid any exceptionally strenuous exercise for 2-4 days after the treatment. For certain conditions, there may be “movement homework” as part of the therapy.
You may experience various symptoms such as hot and cold flushes, emotional releases, headaches, or body aches. These reactions are a positive sign that the healing process is working.
Your next treatment should take place no later than one week after, with no other forms of manipulation (massage, osteopathy, chiropractic, etc.) carried out in the interim.