Bowen Therapy


Personal development

A holistic, non-invasive bodywork treatment designed to support and enhance your body’s self-healing abilities in a minimalist yet profound way

The McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR) technique helps to release the hidden tension within scar tissue from accidents or surgeries, which is often the underlying cause of stress elsewhere in the body.

Do you want to explore the patterns in your life that weigh you down?
In a session with me I will guide you in making the changes you desire, using and teaching you simple tools like mindfulness and expression.

About Me


My passion for holistic health has taken me on a journey of exploring the mind-body connection, how emotions affect us, and what are the roots of disease. With Reset Motion, I offer a range of treatments that each support your health and wellness in their own unique way. Whether you’re looking to learn new life skills like authenticity or working on your body to create positive change, I’m here to help you feel your best and elevate your overall well-being.

read & listen about staying healthy and well


Online Sessions

Wednesdays 10h - 13h
Fridays 14h30 - 19h30

Wednesdays 15h - 19h
Fridays 10h - 19h

Mondays 17h -19h
Tuesdays 17h - 19h


All treatments take between 40 - 75 minutes and I ask 35€ per individual treatment.
Packs of 3 treatments are 90€


Melanie Reeg - Reset Motion.
+3510918 270 302 -

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